suka-suka ...

Kotobian Tadau Kaamatan!
>> Thursday, May 28, 2009
I can feel the holiday mood is everywhere!
For those celebrating ..happy kaamatan & aramaiiittiii!
For those not...happy holiday! enjoy the weekend with whoever ....guna betul2 tu cuti!
Sapa karaja taim cuti..hyaaa what to do kan! terpaksa cari makan....
nah ...nice song for kaamatan! enjoy while listening! boleh guyang2 kaki lagi :P
Desa Dairy Farm, Kundasang
Been tu kundasang so often but this is my 1st time lah juga p sini ...desa dairy farm, kundasang & im happy to meet all the sapi - sapi :P

Found this while visiting the butterfly park at Poring :P I like..cantik nih...
Read more...Crawling centipede......
>> Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cricket a.k.a cengkerik

Spider web.....
>> Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sabah Fest at our Museum ..
>> Wednesday, May 13, 2009

awas kamu org sumpit! ( bukan sumpit @ mark iven tu lah )
nah kan ..rugi tidak datang...act banyak lg tu gmbar tapi cukup itu sahajalah ....skrg bz tu HOG Rally..yg motor besar2 tu ..then Kaamatan ..then Dragon Boat..doii nda pandai habis2 ni karaja....
Read more...Sabah Fest 009 & PM's visit (23 & 4th May 2009)
>> Thursday, May 7, 2009